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Revamped Documentation and New Entity Source Managment System

Revamped Documentation and New Entity Source Managment System
This release introduces source management with reference sources and a revamped documentation feature, alongside bug fixes to enhance usability and functionality.

New Features:

  • Source Management (w/ reference sources): Introduces a comprehensive source management system with reference sources, instead of only automations. You can now add your custom sources to an entity.
  • New Revamped Docs: Unveils a redesigned documentation feature to improve accessibility and usability for users accessing platform resources, live here.
  • Improvements:


    Bug Fixes and QoL Improvements:

  • Fixed a translation error on entity tabs: Resolved an issue where translations were incorrectly displayed on entity tabs, ensuring accurate language representation.
  • Refreshing and entering the app no longer prompts a white screen: Addressed an issue where users encountered a white screen upon refreshing or entering the application, enhancing overall user experience and navigation.
  • Fixed PNGs path for empty states and others: Corrected paths for PNG images used in empty states and other UI elements, ensuring proper display and functionality throughout the platform.
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